Sunny Saturdays, blinds closed, sleeping in and Teaching Dreams
a tale of 2 Dreams:
#1 Falling asleep on the couch.... I'm working as a stagehand AND producer for the Jugglers 'other' show.... it's the first stagehand/crew gig I've had in 7 years (almost true).... my ONLY jobs are a) to run the fog machine. b) hold a HUGE bundle of balloons.
We are at the first tour stop somewhere in a Pennsylvania type state.... it's a HUGE ornate theatre, and we are doing the show under the even more ornate and spectacular orch. shell. It's freaking beautiful. (period)
I'm holding my balloons and trying to reach for the remote for the fog machine, when the balloons get caught in the orch. shell workings and tear the whole thing apart.
During the show.
Slow-Mo Ballet of enire theatre falling apart like a house off cards.
it's my fault.
The jugglers cover, and still manage to win the audience over.
Nobody Blames me, they blame the fact that it was unrealistic to give me both balloons and fogger.
#2 Wake up on couch, go upstairs to bed (6AM)... comfy... no nightmares here.....
and then:
I'm working on getting some recordings done in my favorite studio.
Nobody remembers me, and they've remodeled and expanded the whole place.
I keep opening the wrong door looking for my session.
Black Sabbath is playing the theatre attached to the studio.
With their orig. lead singer, Bette Middler.
I'm supposed to fly back to Seattle, but I take a nap in one of the side rooms of the studio. I nap for a while and then get up, and the studio staff has changed again, and I sneak into the concert. It's not Sabbath.... it's Poi Dog Pondering (the band I went to SF to see last week). They are playing one of my favorite songs (write me, and maybe I'll tell you what it is)
I wake up.
Brain, I love you.
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