Monday, October 03, 2005

anybody home?

so I've got to jot this down SOMEWHERE... might as well be this bit of abandoned real estate...

it just occurred to me that, in spite of my extreme dislike for the evangelical Xtian agenda, I'm kindo liking the idea of intelligent design. Here's why:

#1 proponents of ID claim it's NOT Xtian creationism in disguise. They want to leave the door open to any creator (just so long as it's White Beard, Fag Hating God) but in order for ID to be sellable, it has to be open to ideas on who the creator is.

#2 Current genetic technology puts us about 100 years from creating life from whole cloth... if not sooner. as of right now, we can choose the sex of our children. We can create viruses from little more than a data roadmap, and someday soon we'll be able to program and create a mammal without need of either sperm or egg donors.

In essence, WE are the Semi-Literate Designers, but real soon, we're going to be the Intelligent Designers.

so this whole notion of teaching ID? In the long run, If we can create life, how can god be superior? ID will do less to further creationism, and will go quite a long way in establishing humanity as heir to god, negating thousands of years of forced fealty to a supreme being who (in the Xtian sense of things) hates as much as he loves.

Of course we'll probalby have to suffer a few thousand years of living in caves again before we get around to really realizing this... but hey, I was a Boy Scout.


At 11:09 AM, Blogger Christopher said...

Welcome back to the land of the blogging!

This reminds me of an old sci-fi short story I read many, many years ago about a pathetic little creature being stalked by hunters. At the end of the story of course, it turns out the little wimp is -- you guessed it:

"But, but I'm God", the creature whimpered as they dragged him away. (I'm paraphrasing)

"Yes, but I am Man", replied the huntsman, shouldering his rifle and walking back up the path ahead of his catch.

The End.

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