Thursday, July 11, 2002

Sci-Fi Detective Dreams with Rat Pack Swinger Soundtracks

This AM, I was (headspace and with sleep) In a place where people are given gifts beyond the scope of Human knowledge. Very Heinlein-esque.

It almost felt like learning to Rock Climb, and then the euphoria when you get to the top is the reward of information.

After a while (and several thousand other people coming in) Three 'bad' types tried to break in and steal our stuff. They tried to run off... one of them in a stolen SUV.

I sent one to the past. Another (the one with the SUV) to the future, and I don't quite remember what I did with the third.

All the while, Sinatra is singing 'ba dida bum bum bum' etc.

And then I woke.

Okay Brain, what the hell are you trying to tell me. I left my Secret Decoder Ring in Tucson.


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