Friday, December 13, 2002

So, if you don't know, I'm one of those white guys who drives a german sports car and doesn't ever give money to panhandlers.

Make what ever judgement you wish.

This AM I was with friend J.F. and we passed a panhandler on the way to my car. He very nicely asked us for spare change, which we declined. He then wished us a happy holiday with a genuine smile.

As this was about 15 feet from my car, we stood in the general vicinity for a few moments finishing up our conversation, and as J.F. left to go back to work, Panhandler Man approaches me and starts praising the quality of my particular brand of car. Even though I know where this must be going, I have nothing really to say other than to nod and agree, already feeling the full court press of his guilt trip. And then he gets to the basket and throws.... "Are you sure you don't have any spare change."

Nope. Sure don't. (internal monologue) Though your guilt trip did the first 1/2 of it's job masterfully, as now I want to go sell my car and buy a Rusty 1985 Volvo.


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