Wild Gift
After seeing 2 movies @ Naked Eye tonight, I was probably going to head home and read, but then I ran into Willis, and ended up getting walked into the X gig at the Showbox.
Let me tell you.....
Matchbox 20 and all your clones, you can suck my cock. You've never gotten it, and you never will.
Fred Durst, you are a pansy ass poser. You probably like your father just fine. We all know about the Snoopy tat on your ass.
White Stripes?.. naugh augh. Get in line.
seeing X again was a risk. I was expecting them to be yet another group of tired 80's punk 'legends'. I was wrong.
I was wrong.
being at this show tonight was as if someone handed me a gilded box with a chunk on my childhood inside and lit on fire.
The audience pushed and the band pushed back harder.
This all makes me smile.
The Girl with Infinity Behind her brings yet another.
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