Back from Santa Monica and all ports thereabouts.
yuch. I've been breathing a brown cloud for the past six days and I just feel like crap because of it....
at least the air here is (mostly) clean.
I REALLY can't stand to be around my parents much anymore. It's not that I don't like them, I actually have a fondness for them these days that I never did in younger days.... it's just that I have to preserve my own sanity, and being the guest star in the Aaron and Anne show does miserable things to my psyche.
Once again, my mother roped me into being an accomplice in her awful planning (or lack of).
Once again, for about the 5th time this year and the 60th time in my life my father tells me "I never knew you were so sensitive."
HELLO! Even if you're ignoring the fact that I grew up in the same house you lived in. Ignoring the fact that we've been to family counseling numerous times over the years. What about that I've shown you my boundaries and made it clear that I get upset over certain things that you find trifling?
And then when I confront him (again) with the in-alterable fact that I've got some REALLY touchy fuses when it comes to my family, and when I recount a broad history of maybe why I react the way I do. He changes the subject.
I can not tolerate someone who will not even remember to think about my feelings when they open their celf sentered pie hole.
It's not that he's rude to people per se... he just never once in his life thinks about how his behaviour cascades down into other peoples lives, and when (rarely) confronted, he changes the subject instead of trying to better himself amongst his fellow man.
But as I said, I'm home.
Oh yeah, LA is filled with adorable women from my past with ginormous brains and pretty eyes.....