Saturday, February 15, 2003

to those who have borrowed my truck over the last 8 years.

AND: Just as likely the previous owner of said truck.

All of you.

This AM, I found what you stashed in the drivers side rear wheel well.

and OMFG, I. am. confused. and. creeped. out. and astonished to the point of giddy-ness.

updates to follow as the weekend progresses.

Thursday, February 13, 2003


was the first time I drove by my soon to be house (escrow closes on wed.) and actually got excited about living there... up till then it had been an abstract concept that I've not had time to dwell on....

it was just an investment with a better view.... but now it's going to be a home with cars and cat and no additional TV's and a really nice kitchen and a nice Jewish boy with more bedrooms than he'll ever need.

now I just need to start packing up the old place.