Tuesday, April 13, 2004

coda to an already long weekend

my father's first cousin died last week in Sun City, AZ
he was 82... he and his wife were poster seniors for the active retiree lifestyle.

during a game of bridge last week, Aaron, my dad's cousin was having an awesome game, as I understand it, it's something akin to a hole in 1 or a 300 game in bowling... Anyways, Aaron lays his cards down, just reveling in the joy of the moment, and keels over from a stroke.

he was a dear man, and I'm sad he's gone, but shit, when I go, I can only hope to kick off contained in such a happy moment.

so my dad and I hopped a plane Sunday morning to head to phoenix for the memorial. my dad only stayed the afternoon before coming back, but I decided to stay overnight and see if I could meet up with some friends I see far too infrequently.

Monday afternoon, I risked missing my flight (which, indeed I did miss, but that's more due to the train crossing at ash and an accident on the 202 freeway) to meet up with a couple friends at Coffee Plantation on Mill. And there I was when I spy Dauber, who I've not seen in about 8 or 9 years... I call out to him and say hi, and the first thing he tells me is that Laura (yes, THAT Laura) had a massive stroke last fall and nearly died.


She was 41 at the time... I can't say that I'm really surprised... shocked and worried, but not surprised... Laura used to work 18 hour days, go home, sleep 3 hours and then get up and run 15 miles before work. this sort of behavior is what led me to really, for the first time understand denial.... so I suppose it was only a matter of time until her body and spirit lashed out and tried to make her deal with the shit in her life that she refused to look in the eye.

I just googled her, and Channel 3 has made her into a poster child of young stroke survivors.

I'm still not sure exactly how to feel about this... here is this woman that I was (through her beauty, intensity and foolishness of youth) Capital 'L' in love with, and due to her thrashing of me and decision to dump me for a gold digging Giggolo, I've not spoken with her in 9 years and 10 months....

I know that she divorced the guy about 3 years ago, but by that time, I was long gone from that period of my life, and never really had the urge (or the self loathing for that matter) to get back in touch with her... but here it is 10 years gone, and she nearly died.

do I call her?

frankly, I don't want to, but she is a significant icon in my tapestry....