Sven's Northwest Id BBQ
When the Nuns warned you about idle hands.... they spoke of me
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Friday, December 03, 2004
OK, here's what's got my shorts in a twist this grey friday:
The new issue of American Theatre is out, and there is a whole series of pieces listing the most innovative, young theatres in this country.
you would think that Seattle, being such a (supposedly) great theatre town, would have representation, no?
but no. Not one Seattle company. (there is a portland co, though).. so my initial frustration was WHY ARE THEY IGNORING US!
but then I asked myself... "self, what Seattle companies ARE worthy of such kudos?"
(now before all 4 of you who actually read this blog and who happen to be members of one of the longest historied, and best track record having fringe theatres in the country speak up... let me put forth that (ABOD aside) Ye Olde Annex has not had a public enough profile as of late to garner much exposure)
oh.. and then Brendan Kiley wrote a truly lame piece in The Stranger this week about Seattle vs NYC, and I just wanted to scream... A of all.. Brendan WHGAT IS YOUR FUCKING POINT!? and B of all Well Seattle's FUN and all... but there are AMPLE opportunities TO MAKE A LIVING doing this here theatre shit in NYC...
so, um hey seattle... Get your shit together and get this town back on the map, or I'm moving to New York for reals. (and ummm...before I get many many accusations of how I'm just sitting on the sidelines bitching, know that I fully realize that I'm part of the solution)